E. & P. Rabbitry

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The pedigree is equivalent to our birth certificate. It contains the rabbits family history, birthday and ARBA registration numbers and Grand Champion number. Keeping good records of your rabbits is very important.


Rabbitry Information: This is the person who owns the rabbit.

Pedigree of: This is the rabbit the pedigree belongs to. This box contains the name of the rabbit, date of birth, tattoo number, original breeder name and owner=s name, ARBA registration number and ARBA grand champion numbers. Below the rabbit information is broken down into parts.

Rabbit=s Name: Rabbits have two names. The first name is the rabbitry where he/she was born. The second is his call name. Sometimes this is a name and sometimes just the ear number. Example: E. & P=s Dustbunny.  You may call the rabbit by any nickname you like, but the name on the pedigree must be used for all your official rabbit  paperwork.  Such as pedigrees of offspring and ARBA registration application.    

Ear number: This is the number tattooed in the rabbit=s left ear. This identifies the rabbit.

Sex: This can be left blank if the rabbit is too young to tell for sure. This is filled in when you are definitely sure the sex.

Type: This is color of Dutch, i.e., Black, chocolate, Tortoise.

Weight: This is the weight of the rabbit at six month. This is needed to register rabbits with ARBA.

Original breeder: This is the rabbitry where the rabbit was born.  Always list the name of the original breeder.  Never substitute your own name and never put your rabbitry name on a rabbit that was not born in your rabbitry. Credit should be given to the person who bred the rabbit.  When in doubt ask the original breeder.

Owner: This is the person who owns the rabbit at this time.

Registration number: This number is given to rabbits that are 6 months old and have no faults. More information on this can be obtained from ARBA.

Family tree: The bottom chart shows the rabbits ancestors. The father (sire) is list on top and the mother (dam) is listed below. The same rabbit information should be listed for each rabbit, name, tattoo, weight, etc.

Breeders Assistant HTML Pedigree
Pedigree of E. & P.'s Dustbunny
BreederE. & P Rabbitry
E. & P.'s Lucky
Type: Blue
Wickerham's Andy
Type: Black
Wickerham's Kit
Type: Black
E. & P.'s Cookie
Type: Tortoise
Emily's Negotiate
Type: Tortoise
E. & P.'s Pinto
Type: Black